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Frequently asked questions

Below is a small list of frequently asked questions. Do you have other questions, or would you like to know more? Feel free to contact us via e-mail.

Is there an anti-bullying policy?

Fortunately, there is hardly any bullying at our school. Everybody is accepted and free to express themselves as they wish. In case bullying does occur, there is a solid anti-bullying protocol. Two teachers function as confidants for students in need so that there is always somebody there for you to safely talk to.

What is Plato?

Plato stands for 'Pientere Leeringen Aanzetten Tot Onderzoek' - which means stimulating bright pupils to start conducting research. At our school you can spend two hours per week on a subject or research that interests you. You are allowed to 'skip' two lessons of your own choosing per week to spend on your Plato project/ research. At the end of the school year, all Plato projects and the outcome of research done are presented by the pupils involved.

What is NT2?

NT2 stands for ‘Nederlands Taal 2', so Dutch as a second language. Do you have a non-Dutch background and maternal language? Our NT2-teacher is there to work with you on improving your Dutch language skills!

How many pupils are there at Van Maerlantlyceum Eindhoven

There are currently 1050 pupils at our school. The new location will be built to accommodate up to 1250 pupils.

On average, how many childern are in a class?

There is a maximum of 30 pupils in first year classes. We have small classes so that more attention can be given to each individual student.

How do i get to know my classmates?

Before the summer holidays we organise a meeting day for classmates-to-be so that you already get to know who your classmates are before school starts. At the beginning of the school year there is also a so-called ‘contactdag’, which is a school day without regular classes. Instead, there are all sorts of fun activities organised for your new classmates and you in order to get to know each other even better.

How many hours of homework do I get per day?

The workload depends on the number of subjects taught that day. On average, homework takes up one and a half to two hours a day for first year students.

Are there Lockers?

Yes, all students can use a personal locker that only they have access to at school.

How heavy is my school bag?

The weight of your schoolbag also varies per day. You always have to bring a laptop, textbooks, and a novel. Teachers tell you when you need other books, so that you do not have to lug around a school bag that is way too heavy. You can also put some of your books in your locker.

Do you also do sports?

Yes, we have weekly lessons in physical education, indoors and outdoors on our sports field. In addition, we have a school ballet (modern and hip- hop) for you to participate in should you want to get some extra exercise.

Do the music lessons also cover rock music?

Yes, all types of music are covered during the music lessons.